Gosh, I wish I could remember that story better -- does it sound familiar to any of you?
Well, whatever the details are, it made a deep impression on me. I really believe we need to teach our children to work. Whether it is a specific chore or just giving them something to do and making them stick to it until they are finished.
Well, one day I did just that. I gave 3 year old Max the chore of taking every book off of our bookshelves. He already enjoyed doing that anyway, might as well make it a chore right? So, he unshelved every last book and stacked them all on the couch (with my help).
Putting them back on the shelves we color coded them, which is great for teaching colors and also, it looks really cool. He worked on this for a while but was side tracked when he found out the stacked books looked like stairs and a big mountain for his cars.
In the background of this picture you can see the final product:
Cost: FREE
Variations: Have them clean out the fridge with you. They LOVE this. Have them take everything out of the fridge, you wipe it and clean it and they put everything back again. They can put the laundry in the machine, take the laundry out of the dryer. Have them sharpen all of the pencils in the house, make sure all of the lights in the house work, count the tiles in the bathroom floor, make sure there is a star sticker on every shoe/chair/window/blue thing in the house . You know, silly things that give them a sense of purpose and accomplishment.